The Sir. Martin’s Memorial school in the West Gonja Municipal Capital Damongo has on Friday, 16th March, 2023 organized a career fair event for it’s students to support them in their career explorations to help them make informed decisions about their future
The event was held at the Schools premises with students dressed in their preferred dream professional Uniforms.

Career fairs are a valuable resource for students as they can help them explore potential career paths, learn about the different professions in the country and interact with professionals in their fields of interest.
It’s also an opportunity for students to gain insights into the skills, education, and experience needed to pursue the various careers.

During the career fair, several speakers from different departments took their term to speak to the students on what it takes to get into their selected professions.
The event was Chaired by Madam Helen Mbemah who expressed gratitude to the teachers at the Sir. Martin’s memorial school for their dedication and hardwork towards the development of the students and also thanked the various speakers for accepting to speak to the students on what they needed to know regarding the various professions.

She urged the management of the school to take into considerations all suggested ideas by the various speaker that will help enhance teaching and learning in the school.
Source: Padfm.com.gh/Kumatey Gorden/0243531604