Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Damongo, on 15th August, 2023 observed the Assumption of Mary into Heaven at Our Lady of Annunciation Grotto, Sonyor in Bole District.
According to the Bishop of the Damongo Diocese, Most Rev Peter Paul Y Angkyier, Life is a Battle Between the Good and Light of God and the darkness of Evil. “The Solemnity of today gives us strength and encourages us that in this struggle, when we remain firm in our faith and trust in God we will become victorious”
“Mary is our great advocate before God the most high. Truly life on earth is a Battle with evil and a valley of tears, we are called to make sacrifices and do endure suffering. Mary is one reasons for happiness, she is our life, our sweetness of life and our hope”
He also indicated that the assumption of Mary shows the victory of Mary, mother of the redeemer over evil, adding that “Jesus could not allow the body of his mother to decay.
The Bishop’s reflection on what was said by Pope Pius XII indicated that “the blessed mother of God at the end of her earthly life was assumed body and soul into the glory of heaven, this was a special privilege due to the merits of the work of redemption of her son”. He said
Elaborating on blessed mother Mary who intercedes from Heaven and provide for her children, most Rev. Peter Paul Angkyier noted in his homily that the Virgin Mother of God is taken up into Heaven to be the beginning and the pattern of the church in it’s perfection and a sign of hope and comfort for people on their pilgrim way.
He also added that, mother Mary is the assurance and proof that as her children, all will one day be in their glorified bodies besides the glorious Christ. “Our desire and aspiration to eternal life become stronger as we meditate on our heavenly Mother above” the Bishop assured.
He stated that, our Lady of the assumption is a hope of the glorious resurrection. “The assumption of Mary is a wonderful precursor of our own resurrection”.
The Bishop also disclosed that the solemnity of Mary’s assumption on this day is like the continuation of Easter. “The solemnity today is like a continuation of Easter, the resurrection and ascension of our Lord. It is at the same time, a sign and source of hope for eternal life and future resurrection.
He further assured church faithfuls that “today solemnity, our petitions are full of confidence. Our advocate rise up to heaven, she will arrange for our salvation as mother of the judge”.
He therefore encouraged faithfuls to be faithful in their endeavors. “This celebration of the assumption is the issue of Mary’s own commitment to God at the service of humanity. For her faithful commitment she is rewarded by God and assumed into Heaven at the end of her earthly life”.
“Seeing the happy conclusion of the Virgin’s life, we understand the joy of being faithful each day. In our non-christain environment we have the divine vocation to sanctify ourselves and others”.
He admonished christian faithfuls to reject anything that moves them away from God and embrace anything that draws them closer to God.
“It is worth to reject firmly anything that can separate us from God and to respond positivity to whatever that draws us close to him.”
“Indeed we can be saints, despite our defects and sins, since God is good and all-powerful and we have the Mother of God herself, who Jesus cannot refuse as our own” he added
Source; Gogu Edwin