The Catholic Bishop for Damongo Diocese, Most Rev. Peter Paul Angkyier has blessed the Jakpa Palace, the official residence of the King and Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom with holy water.

The event which took place on Monday, 27th March, 2023 is a powerful way to acknowledge the presence of God in the lives of it’s residents especially the King and to seek God’s blessings and protection into the Jakpa Palace as well as his temporal residence where currently resides.

The blessing of the Jakpa Palace by the Bishop involved prayers and the sprinkling of holy water in and around the entire Jakpa Palace.

The Bishop explained that, the significance of the blessing of the Palace is an indication that God has come to embrace human beings and also bringing peace onto them.

He also noted that, the blessing of the Palace is an act of asking God to come into the Palace with his presence and bless it with all those who will be living in the Palace for them to be together and as well protect the Palace, the King and all who will be visiting the Palace.
The King’s temporal residence and his official vehicle were not left out of this spiritual bathing of the holy water and prayer intercessions.

The powerful water sprinkled according to Bishop Peter Paul, will purify any evil spirit that is existing in the palace and bring peace in the palace for the people who will live in it.
Source: Padfm.com.gh/Kumatey Gorden/0243531604